Re: Living Below Your Means (was: Re: The Pause that Refreshes)

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 13:53:35 MDT wrote:
> I think there's some merit in having specialized wardrobes for specific
> social functions, since it can serve to reinforce appropriate values for the
> particular task at hand. Thus, when an airline pilot puts on her uniform, I
> think she's more likely to both perceive the importance of her own actions as
> a pilot and also sends a signal to the passengers that she's a professional,
> something I appreciate as a passenger. I don't know if I'd like to board a
> 777 for a transatlantic flight and catch a glimpse of the pilot in cut-offs
> and a t-shirt.

I think the trend to "business casual" reflects a deliberate
de-inforcement of business values. If one is in a less structured
environment, one will be more inclined to consider ideas that do not
fit one's model of specific, pre-existing roles and they
say, to "think outside of the box".

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