FWD (SK) Anti-Semitism is byproduct of natural selection, says prof

From: Terry W. Colvin (fortean1@frontiernet.net)
Date: Sat Jun 10 2000 - 08:52:03 MDT

We've had our fun with John Mack of Harvard, who supports the idea of alien

We've kicked around Courtney Brown of Emory University, who touts remote

Now there's Kevin McDonald of Cal State Long Beach calling Judaism a
Darwinian strategy:

< http://www.newtimesla.com/issues/2000-05-25/faultlines.html >

A few excerpted paragraphs:

In his books, MacDonald uses an approach called evolutionary
psychology to argue that Judaism is not merely a religion; it is also a
Darwinian strategy that serves to raise Jewish IQ, and that
anti-Semitism can be understood rationally as a by-product of
natural selection. He writes that Jews have reacted to
anti-Semitism by taking over intellectual movements and attacking
Gentile culture to promote Jewish interests. The result, he warns, is
a "present decline of European peoples in the New World." He also
asserts that Jews protect their interests by suppressing criticism of
Judaism, and cites David Irving as an example of a writer whose
work has been suppressed by Jewish groups.


Now, MacDonald finds himself immersed in intellectual warfare
with his colleagues. His critics are careful to point out that they
believe firmly in MacDonald's academic freedom, and don't
question his right to research what he wants and to continue
teaching at the university. But, says [History Department Chair]
Sievers, professors are determined to make MacDonald answer
for the implications of his theories.

"Faculty can make him uncomfortable. And I think we've made him
very uncomfortable. And we're not done yet," she says.

History professor Don Schwartz has been one of the most vocal.
"Academic freedom protects the kind of research that MacDonald
is doing. But he's been asked to explain and defend his ideas, and
that's a perfectly reasonable expectation," he says. No one,
Schwartz says, is calling for some kind of action that would result in
MacDonald's censure or expulsion.

MacDonald complains that asking him to present his views publicly
is not an appropriate thing to ask a tenured professor to do. His
theories are too complicated, he argues, for him to present them
orally to an audience that is likely to be hostile.


Others, Fiebert says, complained that MacDonald's books had
already passed peer review, and so it was inappropriate to subject
them to further inquiry.


Here's what Culture of Critique predicts, after MacDonald has spent
nearly 1,000 pages in his trilogy describing the Jewish "evolutionary
strategy," which includes denigrating Gentile culture through
Jewish-dominated intellectual movements:

        "I believe that in the United States we are presently heading down
        a volatile path -- a path that leads to ethnic warfare and to the
        development of collectivist, authoritarian, and racialist enclaves."

I was especially taken with the ideas that it's 'inappropriate' to ask a
tenured professor to publicly explain and defend his views, and to subject
peer-reviewed books to further scrutiny.
More about McDonald's books and views can be found on his web page

Beth Wolszon

The origin of all science is the desire to know causes, and
the origin of all false science and imposture is the desire to
accept false causes rather than none; or, which is the same
thing, in the unwillingness to acknowledge our own ignorance.
-- William Hazlitt

Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA)
< fortean1@frontiernet.net >
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