RE: glucose tolerance determines mice lifespan

From: Al Villalobos (
Date: Thu Jun 08 2000 - 11:55:41 MDT

Doug Skrecky wrote:
The so called called anti-aging calorically restricted diet
 appears to be merely an artifact of using a poor diet that
 induces glucose intolerance when fed ad-libitum.

I couln't tell, are you quoting someone or is this your own statement?
To me, this is quite a big deal if true. Do you have any references?

If you like, I'd be happy to mail you copies of T. Parr's papers in
Gerontology about insulin exposure (No more scanner access) I'm in the
process of getting A. Cerami's "Glucose as a mediator of ageing" as well

Keep up the good work,

AL Villalobos

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