Re: what if microsoft disobeyed the breakup?

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sun May 28 2000 - 22:23:19 MDT

phil osborn wrote:
> >From: "zeb haradon" <>
> >Subject: what if microsoft disobeyed the breakup?
> >Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 19:14:13 GMT
> >
> >I'm curious what would happen if MicroSoft simply announced that they have
> >no intentions of breaking up the company, and intend to just go on with
> >business as usual, disregarding government orders, and that they would no
> >longer bother to even show up at the trial. Whoever made the decision could
> >be arrested, and if this included enough people, MS could cease to
> >function.
> >What would be the effect on the economy, and would the government be smart
> >enough to know this effect and not arrest them?
> >
> >---------------------------------------------------
> >Zeb Haradon (
> What if they announced that if the state attempted to break them up, then
> they were sorry, but they couldn't then be bothered to fix the bug in their
> OS that would destroy the data on every system using it in the near future?
> _____________

Or fix the bug that issues full tax refunds to all Americans....

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