Re: The Church of Mez?

From: Dana Hedberg (
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 10:27:35 MDT


I've been a part of this group since its inception and have even posted
on this list on occasion. Although, you probably don't recall any of my
posts (I'm pretty selective on what I comment on) I can definitely talk
some about the Church of Mez, it's stance, it's "direction", and so on,
off-list if you like.

I can understand your skeptical attitude. I suggest the following pages
from the site as fairly straightforward(*) examples of what the Church
is about:

* From

"Everything we profess is completely serious.

Everything we profess is in utter jest.

Can you tell the difference?"

Have fun!


P.S. Thanks for setting up the NWExtropians list. I look forward to yet
another forum for wonderful, intelligent discussion.

"E. Shaun Russell" wrote:
> I was recently forwarded a link to a transhumanist\Utopian group called the
> Church of Mez ( While I am quite skeptical of
> their alleged beliefs, I am interested to hear whether or not anyone has
> had some associations with them. I saw Ziana Astralos' name on their
> member list, but no other familiar names.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> E. Shaun Russell Extropian, Musician, ExI Member,
> Moderator of NWExtropians list
> ====================
> Hear my music at:
> Read my poetry at:
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> <K I N E T I C I Z E Y O U R P O T E N T I A L>

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