RE: Possible meeting around Palo Alto conference?

From: Jones, Spike (
Date: Wed May 17 2000 - 17:03:16 MDT

Exi-bayers, Damien is here now. He came in yesterday morning
and has had all day Tuesday and today to rest up and so now he
is ready to parrrrrrty! So, how does one parrrrrty? Remember Im
the poster child for nerdity. {8^D

We had a quiet restful evening of thoughtful futuristic discussion.
So now, to hell with that, lets show him some real live American
sin and excess. Feel free to call my home (408) 942-5443, leave
message. Damien is there now, make suggestions. Im open. If
you forget the number, Im in the Milpitas phone book under Greg.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lee Daniel Crocker []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 2:36 PM
> To:;
> Cc:;;
> Subject: Re: Possible meeting around Palo Alto conference?
> > There is a very extropian conference in Palo Alto this weekend
> > put on by the Foresight institute:
> >
> >
> > Unfortunately it is now $600 to attend, so I think I will skip it

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