Re: art&science

Date: Wed Apr 12 2000 - 09:45:00 MDT

a few more points:

art can occur anywhere, and everywhere:
- engineers usually work according to routines and systematic tools, but often
need to be creative (to various degrees) to solve new/unmet problems.
- mathematicians/scientists/artists/entrepreneurs/writers can be all art-full
but then must use systematic tools to implement/prove their art. mathematicians
use proof and logic, scientists use experiments, artists use the canvas or the
wheel, entrepreneurs use the business environment, writers use the pen. these
are domains of reality.
- all people, i believe, can produce art to certain degrees. some people are
highly creative and innovative, others are less so: artisans, technicians, etc.
whether this is a "nature or nuture" problem is to be debated. i think it is a
combination of both.

art, science, society, etc: it's all related
- consider late 19th century france, and the developments of science and
photography, as they influenced the visual arts of the impressionists,
expressionists, cubists and other schools of early modernism. the artists
experimented with the tools of science (as they always do ... in all domains),
to produce new forms of art, to then feed back into science.
- consider the art of science fiction, consider how the works of gibson,
sterling, vinge, etc all present pictures of the future, through artful
consider then how this feeds back into the creative technologists, who do
the physical tools from the future, influenced -- whether they know it or
not --
by the technological artists. art feeds into science feeds into art feeds into
science ...

Bleugh ... nudge a rock a little bit, and it rolls ... provide an idea, and
the mind things unfold ... art.


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