IP selective browsing...

Michael S. Lorrey (retroman@together.net)
Mon, 01 Feb 1999 10:42:21 -0500

Regarding the IP Food Script website that Sasha pointed out yesterday, I was digging into my library here, and I came across a script that I wrote with the help of a guy on the Experts-Exchange, as follows:


print "Location: ";

# Look for their hostname or IP address. Each if-else query checks the browser to see if it
# is originating from the site of one of our competitors. You can create a new entry simply by
# adding a new if-else sequence with the new competitors domain name and dns address.

if (($ENV{"REMOTE_HOST} eq "www.asaint.com") || ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR"} eq ""))
{print "http://www.datamann.com/sorry.html\n\n";


if (($ENV{"REMOTE_HOST} eq "asaint.com") || ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR"} eq ""))
{print "http://www.datamann.com/sorry.html\n\n";


if (($ENV{"REMOTE_HOST} eq "www.pagedigital.com") || ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR"} eq ""))
{print "http://www.datamann.com/sorry.html\n\n";


if (($ENV{"REMOTE_HOST} eq "www.avexxix.com") || ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR"} eq " "))
{print "http://www.datamann.com/sorry.html\n\n";


if (($ENV{"REMOTE_HOST} eq "www.sigma-micro.com") || ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR"} eq ""))
{print "http://www.datamann.com/sorry.html\n\n";


if (($ENV{"REMOTE_HOST} eq "www.dydacom.com") || ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR"} eq " "))
{print "http://www.datamann.com/sorry.html\n\n";


if (($ENV{"REMOTE_HOST} eq "www.colinear.com") || ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR"} eq ""))
{print "http://www.datamann.com/sorry.html\n\n";


if (($ENV{"REMOTE_HOST} eq "www.resoft.com") || ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR"} eq ""))
{print "http://www.datamann.com/sorry.html\n\n";


if (($ENV{"REMOTE_HOST} eq "www.rigden.com") || ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR"} eq ""))
{print "http://www.datamann.com/sorry.html\n\n";


if (($ENV{"REMOTE_HOST} eq "www.smith-gardener.com") || ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR"} eq "")) {print "http://www.datamann.com/sorry.html\n\n";


# if the browser does not meet the above criteria, they then are let in as follows

print "http://www.datamann.com/welcome.html\n\n";

This obviously was designed to prevent our competitors from seeing our website.... The same commands are probably used in that IP Food Script that we discussed the other night, as a means of providing the search engines the desired optimized page....

So essentially, to beat the IP Food Script, a bot has to deploy to another host server that is not on the Food Script hit list, then query the page to be indexed. If you are a competitor, just spoof the host IP of a search engine spider on your own server, then query the 'optimized HTML page'.
