Re: Hemp

Michael M. Butler (butler@comp*
Sat, 31 Jan 1998 19:29:32 -0800

>hippocampus. It seems that the cannabioids have an overall inhibitory
>effect on the hippocampus, leading to memory impairments (Drew et al
>1980). In fact, an antagonist has shown nootropic effects by improving
>memory (Terranova 1996). This, coupled with the decrease in motivation
>(a serotonin inhibition effect?) doesn't suggest them as very useful
>for a transhuman other than as chemical entertainment.

I have no intention of discussing this in the abstract.

Set and setting may play a very large role in exactly what is inhibited and
how it is interpreted or employed. I have little doubt that I could tailor
an experiment to produce those results, and I am aware that they are part
of the lore of hemp use. But I know people whose results differ. I think it
has to do with where and how you practice placement of your attention.

As another point, is catalytic use of cannabinoids to trigger healing of
psychological wounds something you would define as "chemical
entertainment"? :) When does hedonics not equal transcendence? :)

><Neuroscientist speculation mode on> It is interesting to speculate
>that the feelings of meaningfulness and profound insights are related
>to the temporal lobe epilepsy syndrome. And also the model that
>hippocampal region CA1 does novelty/familiarity detection of
>experiences (see for example "Encoding and Retrieval of Episodic
>Memories: Role of Cholinergic and GABAergic Modulation in the
>Huippocampus" by Michael E. Hasselmo, Bradley P. Wyble and Gene
>V. Wallenstein in Hippocampus 6:693-708 (1996)). Is marijuana use
>linked to feelings of Deja vu or its opposite? If this holds, it could
>mess up the familiarity/novelty detection systems, making the user
>think that a new experience was familiar or an old experience fresh
>and new. <Neuroscientist speculation mode on>

Actually, such a mode of partially inducing "beginner's mind" has its uses
too, but more in synthesis and pattern-breaking (an element of what we
sometimes call creativity). This is again predicated on the intention on
creating, rather than just sitting around saying "wow" a lot.

Have you read Lakeoff's _Women, Fire and Dangerous Things_? It's about the
function and failure of categories. I found it a compelling read, except
for the cases at the very end (which were dry academic props for the
material that had gone before).


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