Some symptoms of the dread disease: a noticeable fraction of technically
minded people have unsubscribed from the list (no name naming needed,
nay, but I do miss them), their informal reasons being mostly too low
signal/noise ratio. A kmail a day keeps the disk doctor away. Maybe, but
my eyeballs are sore, my delete finger has a case of RSI from hitting
rubout and my telecom fees (use an offline mailer, stupid! or consider
relocating to a less telecomically challenged part of the geoide...) seem
to hint at a novel kind of Singularity, a potentially financially
ruinous one. Ack.
We need is a number of channels, where each individual can select a set
of them optimally tailored to his gusto -- mine happens to be tech
discussions/planning/coordination of projects -- doubtlessly other
distinguished participants have their own private set of preferences
transhuman list I perfidously flood with technical FYIs (congratulations
to the brilliant scheme of bringing strayed transhumanists heim ins
reich, btw, it was _sneaky_) -- admin's consent granted feel free to do
likewise. Thanks muchly. Otherwise, kindly point me towards a
transhumanist-flavoured tech forward/discussion list... does such a
beast exist? Or does the modest wish to strive towards becoming a meek
immortal god render one automatically a wild-eyed-chaplinesque-mimic-
spittle-fly-widely-shunned-lunatic, to be pitied at best, shot on sight
at worst? Unbidden, the image of the archetypal cryonicist caricature
comes to mind...
Anyway, a list server script suite is sure a resource hog (entiam non
sunt...), (un)subscribing a chore, so a different solution is needed.
Frankly, forced use of keywords (periodically reposted updated keyword
list?) in subject lines and a preference list (list of keyword tokens in
body of message? ALL keyword for the whole hog? ~topic exclusion?) for
each participant is the only thing I can think of readily. Ye perl/python
wizards (those with a lot of free time on your hands) please step forth.
Comments welcome.