On Thu, 9 Jan 1997 Anders Sandberg <nv91-asa@nada.kth.se> Wrote:
>John argues that memory information is distributed between
I argue that you can't change the information in one synapse without
destroying the information that was in lots of other synapses, all those
within range of the NO diffused by the synapse you changed.
>a fairly common view among neuroscientists.
Very common after January 28 1994.
>But that doesn't change the bound on uploading
Why not?
>It might be possible to compress the brain into a more
>efficient simulation (replacing 100 synapses with one
>meta-synapse etc)
How about replacing 100 synapses with one regular garden variety synapse?
>Far too often people think the brain works as a computer;
>it don`t.
But both work as a Turing Machine.
>A synapse isn't a bit
So it seems.
>but a cluster of synapses isn't a bit either!
I strongly disagree! If the brain is not a Turing Machine with a finite tape
then it's magic and it's time for us to just give up and go to church.
John K Clark johnkc@well.com
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