On Tue, 31 Dec 1996 Hara Ra <harara@shamanics.com> Wrote:
>Transparency will only work in cases where it is advantageous
>to do so.
And there are times when it will never be to my advantage to be transparent,
such as when I want to play poker with you.
>Ditto for privacy, and its darker cousin, secrecy.
And there are times when secrecy will never be to my advantage, such as when
I want you to know my opinion on a subject, or when I'm calling for help.
I never said everything should be private, but Brin said everything should be
Transparent, which is not only repugnant it's also impossible.
>The reason I favor this is that it is via transparency that
>we humans seem to experience and enjoy trust.
But enjoyment may not always lead to your advantage or even your survival. If
you trust me that is ALWAYS to my advantage, if I trust you that may or may
not be to my advantage. This asymmetry is why a transparent society is not
going to happen.
John K Clark johnkc@well.com
Version: 2.6.i