Franciscan Friars against Jesuits, long time ago:
rules of debate, very heated.
[Franciscan Friars, not very smart, but stronger, won]
Avoid redundant quotes. Edit out whatever is not
directly applicable. Reason is also synthesis.
Write and re-write, read and re-read, and keep it simple.
Be sure you well know what you are talking about.
Do unto others as you'd have others do unto you.
Would you say your [written] words to the face
of your contradictor?
[The art of] Flaming: choose your target with care,
think twice, notify that you are flaming, rant,
avoid the return flame.
[The sound of silence.] Silence is an option.
[J. R. Oppenheimer sometimes used the
"nolo contendere" rule.]
Apologizing is positive (sometimes appreciated).
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