RE: nano-assembly and computing

Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 21:55:57 MST

Don Klemencic, <>, writes:
> Does anyone have any feedback on how Deutsch is regarded by others working
> in this area?

>From reading citations to his work, Deutsch seems to be recognized as
an early pioneer who layed some of the groundwork, but not as an active
contributer to the hot areas of quantum computing today.

Reading between the lines on some papers, I'd say that his commitment to
the many-world interpretation brands him as something of an eccentric.
It seems not to be politically correct in the physics world to become
too enamored of the QM philosophical conundra. The cool thing to do
is to leave all that nonsense to the fuzzy headed philosophers and to
focus on interesting, concrete, measurable results.


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