Re: the role of religion in human lives

From: Travas Gunnell (
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 17:33:56 MST

I am reminded of an article that is of relevence here:


           American Atheists info@ATHEISTS.ORG

Frank R. Zindler
                                          The Probing
Mind, October, 1984

           Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Means of
Natural Selection is
             extraordinarily powerful in its ability
to explain details of the
           world around us: Why do giraffes have long
necks? Why is the
              kiwi flightless? Why do humans have an
appendix, five
               fingers, erector muscles at the base of
each hair, and
            rudimentary muscles with which to wiggle
the ears? Why are
            certain butterflies brightly colored, and
why do birds sing?

           Answers to these and to thousands of other
equally puzzling questions have,
           from 1859 onward, formed a part of the
enduring legacy left by the great
           British naturalist who by plowing under the
"Garden of Eden," completed the
           work begun by Copernicus when he pulled
down the "heavenly firmament."

           Although the scientific answers to these
and similar questions had been
           familiar to me since high school days,
there were other questions which
           appeared to me to be unanswerable in
Darwinian terms, questions which
           required many years and much thought before
I could reconcile them with
           Darwin's theory.

           Take religion, for instance. If religion is
all a pack of lies - a muddle of myths
           - why would natural selection allow
religion to survive? How could natural
           selection allow behavior that has nothing
at all to do with the real world to
           develop in the first place? Could Survival
of the Falsest be a corollary
           derivable from Survival of the Fittest?

           And then there is the puzzle of hypnosis.
Why are many people and some
           animals hypnotizable? Where is the fitness
in being susceptible to hypnotic
           suggestion and manipulation? After having
experimented with hypnosis for
           many years, and after having performed a
great variety of experiments with
           both humans and animals, I was shocked to
discover that hypnotizability is
           not simply a "weakness" in the sense that a
person is lacking in physical or
           mental strength. Many of the most brilliant
and physically fit persons I have
           known have proven to be highly
hypnotizable, whereas certain psychotics
           and mentally retarded individuals have
been, for all practical purposes,

           Without regard to race, sex, or IQ, three
out of every five people one meets
           on the street are hypnotizable. Why would
such seeming vulnerability slip
           through the screen of natural selection and
take up residence in the nervous
           system of the most powerful animal the
planet has known?

           My third evolutionary puzzle was music. Why
should humans have invented
           music? While music and musical ability are
not in any obvious way harmful
           (and, therefore, not characters likely to
be eliminated by Natural selection),
           neither are these traits obviously useful
in the sense that they increase human
           fitness for survival. Consequently, there
would appear to be no good reason
           for them to have evolved.

           Human music is not the equivalent of bird
song. It does not function as a
           means of marking territory, and it is of
little more that marginal value in
           attracting mates. No matter to what height
of esthetic triumph Beethoven
           may transport us with his Ninth Symphony,
it is not easy to see any obvious
           way in which fugues and four-part choruses
can have helped us climb the
           great phylogenetic tree to reach our
present perch.

           After pondering these three questions for
many years, I gradually came to
           the realization that they were closely
interrelated. All three shared a common
           explanation. All could be explained in
terms of what biologists call group

           Unlike individual fitness - that bundle of
qualities which affects the
           survivability of individual plants or
animals - group fitness affects the
           survivability of small or medium-sized
groups of closely related individuals.
           Such groups often are little more than
greatly extended families, and they
           tend to be genetically quite homogenous.

           Whether we like it or not, there was a long
time ago when religion was
           actually a "good" thing. That is to say,
religion increased group fitness. Let
           me try to explain.

           In the course of human evolution, the
accumulation of genetic mutations
           proved to be too slow a process for the
shaping of the adaptive behaviors
           needed to cope with environmental changes.
That is to say, instinct -
           behavior largely determined by heredity -
was not good enough to give
           primitive hominids the behavioral
repertoires needed in their increasingly
           complex and confusing world. By means too
complicated to discuss here,
           our ancestors all but abandoned the
instinct-driven behavior of their brutish
           brethren and created, as its substitute,

           By means of culture, very complex patterns
of behavior can be created.
           They can be created to deal with infinitely
varied environmental challenges,
           and they can be created quickly. Although
we may often bemoan the
           seeming snail-pace at which our own culture
abandons what we now
           consider maladaptive behaviors, there is no
doubt that cultural change is
           many orders of magnitude faster than
genetic change.

           Back to religion, How does religion fit
into all this talk about tribes and
           culture? Quite simply. Religion in small
groups may be very effective in
           increasing group cohesion. It may help to
mark the boundaries between
           in-group and out-group, the line between us
and them. As Jerry Falwell and
           the Ayatollah Khomeini have shown, religion
deftly applied can convert
           individually weak little insects into a
mighty hoard of army ants. It can fuse
           individual organisms into a sort of
Nietzchean super-organism.

           At the tribal stage of human social
evolution, religion helped to create group
           behaviors which enhanced the survival
potential of the in-group at the
           expense of out-groups. Consider the dietary
taboos of the so-called Old

           We read in Deut. 14:21, "Ye shall not eat
of anything that dieth of itself:
           Thou shalt give it unto the stranger that
is in thy gates, that he may eat it; or
           thou mayest sell it unto an alien." Since a
animal dying by itself is likely to be
           diseased, we shouldn't eat it. Give it -
better yet, sell it - to one of THEM.
           With luck, there may soon be one less of
THEM, and our group will have
           gained a numerical advantage of one more

           This truly "old time religion" developed at
the end of the last Ice Age, when
           the tribe was the largest human grouping
maintaining any degree of
           coherence. The religion of the Old
Testament is a cultural fossil held over
           from the Pleistocene Epoch, and it reflects
an atmosphere of intense
           intergroup competition. Petrified like the
bones in a paleontologist's cabinet,
           the greatest ideas of the Ice Age still can
be found on display between
           Genesis and Malachi!

           Humans are gregarious creatures. They and
their ancestors for a very long
           time have been herd animals. Like all herd
animals, they must be sensitive to
           the moves and signals of their fellow
flock-members. Just as a buffalo
           defensive stampede would be useless if only
one animal stampeded, so too
           our hominid ancestors had to be able to act
in concert against threats from
           predators and other enemies. To do this,
they had to be able to perceive
           and internalize the desires and motivations
of their fellows in the pack. Not
           yet in possession of language to effect
such communication, our ancestors
           had to be suggestible. In our ancestors, as
is generally the case with herd
           animals today, the emotions and intentions
of the leaders of the herd were
           communicated to the rest of the flock by
"body language," and by the power
           of nonverbal suggestion.

           Suggestion, whether verbal or not, is, of
course, the foundation of hypnosis.

           Hypnotism had been the tool of shamans and
medicine men from the very
           beginning. The ability to be hypnotized,
i.e. suggestibility, was part of our
           heritage as gregarious animals. All the
priests had to do was harness it and,
           therewith, harness the entire tribe at
once. Once hypnotized, the entire tribe
           could be sent out to do battle as though it
were a super-organism, as if the
           individuals were but individual cells in a
great body - sharing a common gene
           pool and governed by a single head.

           And battle they did - and still do. "And
the Lord said unto him, 'Surely I will
           be with thee, and thou shalt smite the
Midianites as one man'." [Judges 6:16]
           "Kill a commie for Christ!" "Impeach Earl
Warren!" "Stop that wicked
           woman who has expelled our god from the

           If my readers think the term "hypnosis" can
be applied to religion only in the
           metaphorical sense, they should hasten to
the nearest tabernacular,
           faith-healing, full-gospel-assembly,
fire-baptized, holy-rolling revival
           meeting. They will see hypnosis in action,
replete with people falling on the
           ground, jerking and twitching and babbling.
They will be able to observe
           how the contagion spreads from the leaders
to the followers. They will
           observe the anesthetic power of hypnosis,
as real cripples - not just the shills
           - throw down their crutches and prance
around to the tune of crunching

           Make no mistake about it. The hypnosis used
by preachers is real
           hypnosis. The priests were the first to
control it, and to this day they and
           their politician brethren are the most
skilled practitioners of the art.

           How do they do it? there are many different
ways of inducing a hypnotic
           state of consciousness, and generally the
fakirs use many methods
           simultaneously. For neurochemical reasons
which are still not entirely clear,
           fasting is a useful means of
preconditioning the nervous system to make it
           more malleable and suggestible. Although
lowering of blood sugar probably
           has much to do with it, it is likely that
hormone-like substances known as
           endogenous opioids are also involved. As
the name implies, these chemicals
           are internally produced opiate-like
substances which resemble morphine in
           their action.

           Although Karl Marx was speaking
metaphorically when he wrote that
           "Religion is the opiate of the masses," his
words may prove to be literally
           true as well. There is considerable
evidence that hypnosis and
           "transcendental" meditation can increase
the production of certain of these
           opioids by the brain. The hallucinations so
often accompanying religious
           experiences may very well be a result of
opioid intoxication and verbal
           suggestions implanted by the "guru" guiding
the religious "trip."

           Another method of inducing hypnosis is long
repeated prayer. When
           people pray for "a sign," they repeat over
and over what it is they want to
           see or hear. Sooner or later, if their
nervous systems are even slightly
           normal, they should be able to generate
vivid experiences fulfilling their
           wishes. Only wealthy men who say god speaks
to them are frauds. Poor
           people who say this are simply

           Although we are accustomed to think of
prayer as a type of cosmic begging,
           it is likely that this type of prayer was a
late evolutionary development. The
           original purpose of prayer, I believe, was
to induce trance and, thereby, to
           effect hallucinatory communication with the
"spirit world."

           Many faith-healing practitioners of
hypnosis induce trance-like receptiveness
           in their prey by physically stunning them.
They "lay on hands." Starting with
           their hands on the crown of the victim's
head, they utter their hypnotic
           suggestions (i.e. "prayers") while
gradually moving their hands down the side
           of the person's head. Finally, when their
hands are on the person's neck and
           ears, they will suddenly put pressure on
the nerve-rich cavity behind the ear
           and on the carotid sinus farther down the
neck. This stuns and disorients the
           victim, and he or she becomes very
imprintable. The verbal suggestions of
           the healer become implanted within as
little as two or three seconds.

           Of course, this does not always work. If
the person being "healed" has a
           weak cardiovascular system, or if the
"healer" presses on the carotid sinus
           too long, cardiac arrest may result and god
cheats the evangelist out of the
           poor bloke's money. At least one notorious
faith healer of our day has given
           up the practice because of this
embarrassing and expensive side-effect. The
           reader must realize, this method of
inducing hypnosis is extremely
           dangerous, and no competent practitioner
will employ it. Only
           religionists still flirt with it.

           But there is a much safer way than
nerve-pinching to reduce the faithful to
           submission: music. Carefully selected hymns
can be incredibly powerful
           tools with which to induce trance. Perhaps
the most infamous of these
           hymns is the one called Just As I Am. By
the time Billy Graham and his ilk
           have brought the crowd to the point of
singing this war-horse, the resistance
           of the audience has already been worn down
considerably. And by the time
           that everyone locks arms and starts singing
"I come… I come," only a few
           can resist the call to rush forth and shoot
up on Jesus.

           The evolutionary roots of music can be seen
very clearly in such phenomena
           as American Indian war dances and religious
chants. Music did not begin
           with harmony and stringed instruments. It
began with rhythm, with
           monotonously repeated, rhythmic words and
sounds. Drumming surely
           represents the beginning of instrumental
music, and to this day the most
           primitive forms of music emphasize drums.
So too, singing grew out of
           chanting - the rhythmic repetition of magic
words and phrases.

           How does music relate to evolutionary

           Consider the Indian war dance. The
drumming, chanting, and dancing
           produce a sensory environment suitable for
the induction of hypnotic trance.
           Once all the warriors are hypnotized, they
can act in concert (no pun
           intended) to rush forth and wipe out the
genetic competition. They will not
           know fear; they will not hesitate; and they
will give without hesitation their
           last full measure to the enterprise.
Perhaps the most important part of all this
           is that all will follow orders reflexively,
and there will be a minimum of
           disorder. The competitive advantages of
such behavior are obvious.

           Thus, music evolved as a means of inducing
hypnotic trance. Hypnotic
           susceptibility, although older than the
human species itself, was elaborated
           by natural selection as a means of
increasing intragroup cohesion and as a
           means of producing highly ordered,
efficient competitive behavior at the
           intergroup level. As cultural transmission
of learned behavior replaced
           genetic transmission of instinctive
behavior, religion emerged as the system
           deciding the ends for which hypnosis would
be applied. The actual mythical
           content of the individual religions
probably did not make much difference:
           Zeus and Yahweh and Baal are all imaginary,
and there is no obvious reason
           to recommend one over another. However the
structure of the cultural
           organizations behind the various deities
was of great importance. It is
           obvious that the wizards who pulled the
strings in the temple of Yahweh had
           a much more effective way of running the
land of Oz than did those who hid
           behind the curtains in the temples of Zeus
and Baal!

           Approaching the end of our story, we see
that religion, hypnosis, and music
           are intimately and unexpectedly
interrelated in their evolutionary origins. The
           three originated together, and all three
were critically important factors in
           making us the creatures we are today. All
three are "natural" phenomena,
           and can be reconciled with the theory of
evolution as we understand it

           We must remember, however, that things are
not automatically to be
           adjudged good or desirable simply because
they are "natural." To do so is
           to fall into the "natural law" fallacy so
dear to the Catholic Church. To say
           that something is "natural" implies nothing
more than "that's the way things
           are at the moment." It does not say we have
to keep things that way. In
           many cases we are free to decide to travel
"unnatural," newly created paths.

           Religion is like the human appendix:
although it was functional in our distant
           ancestors, it is of no use today. Just as
the appendix today is a focus of
           physical disease, so too religion today is
a focus of social disease. Although
           religion was a force accelerating human
evolution during the Ice Ages, it is
           now an atavism of negative value.

           Religion still promotes tribal divisions,
even though we must recognize that
           all "tribes" must henceforth work together
for a common cause or all shall
           surely perish together. No single tribe
will survive unless all tribes survive.
           The divisions created by religions must be

           The disappearance of religion will be as
great a tragedy as the
           disappearance of smallpox. We will all
survive its passing without difficulty
           and without tears.

           But what of music and hypnosis? are they
also atavisms? Are they now
           tainted because of their former religious
associations? I think not.

           Music clearly has emerged from its
religious cradle and has transported us
           all to a realm of human emotion and
esthetic fulfillment more "heavenly" than
           any heaven imagined by the creators of that
celestial hunk of real estate!

           Music has been set free of its fetters. It
may now soar with the human
           intellect into any esthetic empyrean that
intellect may choose to create. The
           finale of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony can
help us to feel more intensely the
           universal brotherhood of mankind as we
hurtle along on the cosmic journey
           of this spaceship we call earth.

           And what of hypnosis? Is it only a tool of
unethical control? Must it be
           forsworn because Hitler and Jim Jones used

           Unlike the case concerning music, the
answer to this question is not quite as
           easy to formulate. We cannot deny that even
today hypnotic suggestion can
           be used for evil purposes. But to be
forewarned is to be fore-armed. We
           must always keep in mind that as
suggestible creatures we are potentially
           vulnerable to manipulation by unscrupulous
persons. But we should not
           forget that many of the features that most
deeply define our humanity derive
           from the same neuronal circuitry that makes
us suggestible.

           For what are sympathy and empathy, if not
elaborations of our
           suggestibility? Because we are suggestible,
because our emotions are
           contagious, we can walk into the funeral of
a total stranger and quickly feel
           the same sense of grief and loss as the
mourners. We can also see a strange
           child take its first steps in a public park
and feel the same excitement and
           exhilaration as do its parents.

           Because we are suggestible, we can feel
sympathy. Because we can feel the
           same pains as our fellow beings, we will
not be uncaring of their plight. We
           will avoid causing pain in others because
our suggestible natures make
           possible the reflection of that pain back
upon us. We are happiest when
           making others happy, and we do not need
mythic systems to make us do
           good and eschew evil: our nervous systems
are hard-wired by evolution to
           help us do that.

           Because our individual happiness is so
sensitive to the emotional milieu in
           which we find ourselves, enlightened
self-interest is all we need. With that
           we shall create an ethical system more true
to our natures. We shall strive to
           cast off the irrelevant totems and taboos
of our religious past, that we may
           emerge into a satisfying new world of
ethical fulfillment.

           Let us not pray.

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