WAR: Alternative strategies

From: Robert J. Bradbury (bradbury@aeiveos.com)
Date: Thu Aug 14 2003 - 18:20:47 MDT

  • Next message: Jeff Davis: "FWD: Nanoparticles extend brain cell life"

    Looks like the weapons strategies for "war" are about to
    become more complex.


    Gamma-ray weapons could trigger next arms race
    David Hambling, 13 August 2003

    My understanding of such technology is that it would allow
    the relatively painless termination of human lives (vs.
    nuclear weapons where the heat produced is likely to produce
    burn victims). Rafal, Aubrey or anyone else should correct
    my impressions if you believe they are incorrect.

    Please remember that I am looking at *strategies* here
    [for explanation, perhaps see [1]] and not actually
    things we "should" do. But understanding what we might
    do and why we might do them might better guide future
    paths forward.


    1. http://forum.javien.com/XMLmessage.php?id=id::HEk7PBpY-FXea-GRJD-c0hC-R2ppHCZDBxNB

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