Re: `extropianism'? (was: Re: Are Extropians promoters of an ascetic ideal and alienation?)

From: Max M (
Date: Tue Aug 05 2003 - 02:36:32 MDT

  • Next message: Wei Dai: "a simulated utilitarian"

    Natasha Vita-More wrote:

    > Well said Brett. In the business world, branding is so understood that
    > it seems philistine to question the reasons for branding. The fact that
    > extropy is the opposite of entropy is the key to ExI.

    I just have a sidenote here.

    Branding works best for products with no real differentiating factors.

    Ie. if there are 2 brands of coke that taste more or less the same. Then
    you choose the one with the known brand.

    But in the case of Transhumanism the brand should be more of a "meta value".

    Ie. If Volvo says that they have a new airbag, and so are safer to drive
    in, it only works until all the other cars also has an airbag.

    Instead Volvo says that they are constantly focusing on safety using the
    latest technology.

    That is what makes Volvo a brand with a "safe car" meta value.

    So what is the meta value of Transhumanism?

    I am not shure, but something in the line of:

    "Constantly being aware of changing the human condition in response to
    new technology, and using new technology to better the human condition."

    regards Max M

    hilsen/regards Max M Rasmussen, Denmark
    Fremtiden, videnskab, skeptiscisme og transhumanisme

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