Re: Vatican Endorses Frankenfood

From: Brett Paatsch (
Date: Tue Aug 05 2003 - 00:25:13 MDT

  • Next message: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky: "Re: Vatican Endorses Frankenfood"

    Giu1i0 Pri5c0 <> writes:

    > I think this is very good news, and I am not too surprised.
    > The Church has a long long history as a political
    > organization, and would not have survived that long without
    > adapting to changing times. They are realistic and pragmatic
    > enough to understand that if something is coming anyway
    > regardless of their approval, they better adapt to it and
    > adopt it as if it had been their idea from the beginning, I
    > think sooner or later the Vatican, if they want to survive,
    > may endorse stem cell research, sex education, birth
    > control, homosexuality, women's rights.

    The Vatican does endorse *adult* stem cell research its
    the human embryonic stem cell research they don't endorse
    because human embryonic stem cells are obtained by harvesting
    them from the inner cell mass of a 4-5 day old blastocyst in
    what is necessarily a terminating event for the embryo.



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