Re: Fermi "Paradox"

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Sat Aug 02 2003 - 13:13:47 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "RE: How transparent should transparency be?"

    The meme snatchers would also be subjected to the same problem as the
    interstellar antibodies: they would have to be placed so that they could
    fix things before the information got out of hand.

    A guess is that the limit is around an hour; after an hour the
    researcher might have told his fellow researchers at the observatory and
    called the media (OK, that is not the proper IAU protocol, but you don't
    design systems like this based on the assumption that the humans are
    always following rules) and the information leak would require too much
    work to fix easily (here I assume roughly nanotech capabilities - no
    instant matter editing by remote or anything). So we need devices that
    can keep track of every human and some relevant hardware too. Just like
    the interstellar scenario it might make sense to just put a device on or
    in each human being, monitoring what is happening.

    However, the problem here is that an invisible microbot also has
    somewhat limited sensory abilities. If we assume the need for
    human-level sight and hearing, it likely has to be reasonably large (to
    catch vibrations and avoid diffraction). A likelier approach would be to
    connect it to the brain directly - that way it could fix bad engrams
    too. So what we are looking for is something spread across the brain,
    with links to the sensory systems and memory systems, that actually is
    our guardians. Hmm, the noradrenergic nucleus locus ceruleus starts to
    look suspicious. But then again, it is found in all mammals. But what
    about the thalamic interstitial nuclei? Broad projections, hard to
    distinguish, nobody really understands them. Hidden within what looks
    like such a nucleus a little nanodevice sits, listening to things.

    Hmm, what was I thinking about? I just forgot it. Ah, better get back to
    my work.

    Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
    GCS/M/S/O d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y

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