Re: The weirdness of the Many Worlds Interpretation

From: scerir (
Date: Fri Jul 04 2003 - 14:27:35 MDT

  • Next message: John B: "Re:Tranquility"

    Damien wrote:
    <<I'd like to hear a reasoned defence of MW ...>>

    I'd like to hear a reasoned defence of othodox QM!

    After all Kurt Gottfried noticed that Dirac's
    observables are non-local. And the theory should
    'not' be expected to have an interpretation in terms
    of our own concepts, unless the Hamiltonians admitted
    to the Schroedinger equations are constrained 'to reflect
    the world from which we have gleaned our interpretative

    In the Schroedinger equation, i.e., we are overlooking
    the possibility of quantum jumps 'in time'. The reality
    of quantum jumps 'in time' was shown in many exps (below).

    Given that time and space are, to some extent,
    interchangeable, we might expect that if particles
    tunnel through barriers in space, they might also
    'tunnel in time' (they might not be defined by their
    wave functions on a specific spacelike hypersurface!).

    (I'm not sure whether the 'delayed choice', of J.A. Wheeler,
    can be seen as a sort of tunneling in time, or not.)

    In a MTI (many times interpretation) the 'probability'
    issue would be much more difficult, imo!

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    S. Godoy, Phys. Rev. A 65, 042111 (2002).

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