Re: Buffalo sentence (sidebar to Yakyakian Sentence)

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Jun 02 2003 - 12:45:12 MDT

  • Next message: Mike Lorrey: "Re: The good ship Extro 1"

    > (Michael M. Butler <>):
    > On Mon, 2 Jun 2003 00:11:26 +1000, Brett Paatsch <>
    > wrote:
    > I've never used B/buffalo encoding myself. It seems to have a pretty low
    > coding density.

    However it's quite efficient compared to what I believe is the most
    rendundant comminication in history: the 2-hour final episode of
    American Idol 2003. Millions of viewers tuned in to two hours of
    high-quality, uncompressed broadcast video whose primary purpose was
    to convey a single BIT of information: Clay or Ruben (it was Ruben,
    for those of you living in a cave).

    Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
    "All inventions or works of authorship original to me, herein and past,
    are placed irrevocably in the public domain, and may be used or modified
    for any purpose, without permission, attribution, or notification."--LDC

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