Re: Rand and IRAQ

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Jun 17 2003 - 19:10:33 MDT

  • Next message: JAY DUGGER: "Visiting Dallas-Fort Worth"

    --- Samantha Atkins <> wrote:
    > You are correct that no decent objectivist would support the invasion
    > of Iraq imho. But that is a good thing. Most objectivist believe
    > that real change will only come from change minds. I am not so
    > sure that is a good thing.

    The US has acted as a sort of "Galt's Gulch Lite" for the rest of the
    world for most of the 20th century, with the most creative,
    intelligent, and independent minded individuals fleeing there from
    their home nations. This has resulted in US prosperity that has changed
    quite a few minds around the world about socialism vs free markets.

    Between the collapse of the Soviets, the conversion of the Chinese, and
    the partial reforms of many european welfare state systems in the
    1990's, as well as the end of hyperinflation in the banana states as
    well as the spread of democracy there, voting with one's feet has had a
    pretty good record in the last century.

    Hopefully, the Free State Project will find similar success in pushing
    the US further toward liberty.

    Mike Lorrey
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