POL Dishonest Debate and Evidence

From: matus (matus@matus1976.com)
Date: Tue Jun 17 2003 - 00:31:53 MDT

  • Next message: Jeff Davis: "Re: POL Dishonest Debate and Evidence"

    Note: The first part of this message pertains to Vietnam and Harvey's
    comments on evidence of list members persuasions, and the second part
    pertains to the general discussion of honest debate.

    Harvey said:

    > It is true that the exact phrase "war crimes" was not used in
    > the incidents I complained about. Try looking for people
    > being accused of supporting communism


    > Wrong. When someone is accused of being supporting communism,
    > terrorism, or the enemy without any evidence,that is slander.


    > I disagree. There is no tiny kernel of truth. None of these people
    > have ever given any indication of supporting the enemy.

    I find this particular example interesting. Harvey, what if someone
    accuses somebody of one of these and has evidence to support that, even
    a 'tiny kernel', what then?

    I note in the thread "Re:META: Dishonest debate (was "cluster bombs")"
    That I presented evidence that a list member and extropian, Jeff Davis,
    'supports' communism and finds the current North Vietnamese communist
    government a legitimate one. Considering Eliezer's emotional reaction
    to absurdity of the notion of an extropian supporting this type of
    government (noting that FreedomHouse.org ranks Iraq and Vietnam both at
    the lowest ratings in their measurements of freedom), I am surprised
    that this post garnered NO response from the list in general.

    Here we have, on the extropian list, an extropian, suggesting (I
    contend) not only that the communist north Vietnamese government is
    legit, but that the atrocities it has committed, and perhaps any
    atrocities committed by communist governments are actually because
    capitalists wouldn't simply leave the communists alone. However, since
    'supports' requires adequate semantic definition of its own, perhaps I
    am inferring incorrectly and Jeff actually does not think that the
    communist north Vietnamese govt is a legit one. Perhaps Jeff would make
    the record official on that question? I refer readers directly to
    Jeff's relevant comments, see what you think he means...

    "[there is] No "enslavement" by the communists, just a different form of
    government facing the difficult task of rebuilding a country savaged by
    124 years of foreign dictatorships, and made all the more difficult by
    the opposition of the political elite of the world's richest and most
    powerful country. An elite filled with hostility by their defeat at the
    hands of a people with the brains, discipline, and courage to pay the
    enormous price required to "refuse" the tyranny of foreign dictators"


    "All governments have laws for the maintenance of social order. Freedom
    of speech has its limitations. I may not cry "fire!" in a crowded
    theater, nor advocate the violent overthrow of the US government.
    Communists (and their subsequent governments), under siege by the
    capitalists from before the ink was dry on the "Manifesto", feel the
    need to protect themselves from foreign subversion"


    " by suppressing dissent and political competition.Not the American
    tradition, for sure, but neither uncommon nor necessarily the demon evil
    that your ideological psychosis screams in your head and out into the
    world. It is easy to pass judgment on others. But that judgment,
    informed only by the passionate animus of ideological fantasy is a
    "twisted" cartoon of genuine, thoughtful ethical practice."

    Further, Harvey, since you have made a good presence at suggesting what
    could be considered to be good conclusion to reasonable draw from others
    comments, I wonder how you interpret Jeff's statements? Since this
    revelation on Jeff's part sparked no comments, then perhaps I inferred
    completely incorrectly and every other extropian out there is thinking
    'That's not what Jeff was saying, idiot!' Or, alternatively, perhaps no
    one founds Jeff's comments startling at all, even though they found my
    interpretation correct (or not). Or, third, perhaps no one saw the
    post, as I am no doubt the member of many kill files. At the risk of my
    being confused with a barking dog, perhaps the issue could be readily
    cleared if Jeff takes an official stance on the legitimacy of the North
    Vietnamese govt, or the legitimacy of communism in general. Would you
    consider Jeff's comments to a be kernel of evidence suggesting he
    supports the 'enemy' (in this case, a clear enemy of extropinism, a
    corrupt totalitarian repressive state)

    [end of Vietnam stuff]

    Harvey later noted:

    "Do you realize that this is ad hominem? You are no longer discussing
    the merits of the paper. You are discussing the merits of the person
    who wrote it. You are no longer questioning the points he made. You
    are now questioning the person who made those points."

    I must say I find this to be a valid point. Focus on the arguments, not
    the arguer. However, in attempting to do this, If I should point out
    that (for example) Jeff's arguments are in support of communism, am I
    not directly implying that he is also, since he is the one making those
    arguments? Thusly, I could be accused of an ad hominem, even though I
    am attacking the argument, and not the arguer. I suppose the only way
    to avoid this is if one qualifies any arguments that they present by
    distancing themselves from the argument, i.e. "The typical counter
    argument to that would be..."

    Harvey also noted:

    > terrorism, Saddam, bin
    > Laden, being a traitor, or giving aid and comfort to the
    > enemy. These are the phrases you will find. Also look
    > specifically in the threads about the Iraq war. This is
    > where these accusations are being made.

    Harvey, I would be interested in seeing some examples if you have them
    readily available, especially if you feel I am guilty of any of the
    behavior you mention as I was recently informed that there have been
    complaints about my posts. Though no specifics were provided, I am
    always up for self-improvement.

    For reference, I would be interested in seeing also examples where
    people use phrases contextual similar to 'brainwashed patriot'
    'jingoist' 'red neck' 'flag waving automaton' etc. etc. I notice the
    complaints you launch tend only toward a particular ideology, and are in
    defense only of people who tend to share similar ideologies, e.g.:

    > Thanks! But it's not just me. Amara, Damien, Eliezer, Emlyn, Hubert,

    > James, Jeff, Mez, Olga, Samantha and I have all been recently accused
    > of somehow supporting the enemy. These baseless personal attacks seem

    > to be a widespread problem.

    Ron, Lee, Myself, MaxPlumm, John Clark, and people who profess
    ideologies similar to our group have received such wonderful
    descriptions as those above, and had similar amazing statements such as
    "Foaming tribalist fanatics" "To the extent that patriotism switches on,
    the brain switches off. To the extent that the brain stays on, it's
    because patriotism is being kept on a leash", "Patriotism skews people's
    ability to analyze which side, if any, is in the right." "tired war
    drivel" etc. etc.

    Personally, I have been called a red neck, a liar, dishonest, compared
    to a barking dog, out of my mind... among many other colorful

    I note that as good as you have been a pointing out dishonest debating I
    don't recall you ever criticizing statements like the ones above
    directed toward people who have a generally different ideology. I also
    never once saw you criticize Humania for making such comments to me as

    "You (plural; the patriots here) twist around the words of your

    "you (plural) were fucked up by your humble servants called Bush

    "could it be that your Pentagon and-White-House-dominated thinking in
    union with adrenalin-aided visualizations of smashing those Middle
    Eastern bastards which amplifies the already existing territorial
    bullshit in your brain"

    "vicious circle of astonishingly flexible ancient lizard brain circuits
    that spread the message towards the cortex to merely defend"

    "If in June 2003 you are still on the same level as your fellow
    republican US politicians while dealing with ultra conservative monkey
    business like territorial pissings with funnily talking Arabs who
    stubbornly deny wearing blue jeans and display this strange effeminate
    outfit while unexpectedly rejecting the American way of life altogether"

    "Meanwhile I am trying to find a new language to communicate my extreme
    disgust at the way some incurable patriots here still stick to His
    Phoniness George "Proud 'n' Pray" W. Bush and his gang of deathists,
    called US government How many more times must you be fucked up by these
    dilapidated religious fundamentalists"

    "Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity."

    "I will not stop shouting, I am against THIS war. You are deadly wrong
    and you should hear it again every day!"

    Do *any* of these statements belong on this list?

    Of course, as you note, just because you did not speak out against it
    does not mean you supported it! However, I would say, if anything,
    Humania is *at least* as guilty as any particular member of the opposing
    ideology at emotional rhetoric, name calling, and generally vitriolic

    In fact, I submit, that this is nothing more then an ideological
    division, with one side saying the other is resorting to name calling,
    rhetoric, and baseless accusation while the other side insists the same.
    There is no doubt that people of all persuasions are at least somewhat
    guilty of this, and we can all certainly stand to make an effort to
    improve. But to single out only those that are in opposition to your
    ideologies (again, noting that you assert your silence is not the same
    as support, and noting that perhaps you have criticized comments similar
    to those mentioned above made by people who generally share a similar
    ideology to yours but that I do not know of) seems to me to be a
    generally inaccurate way to represent the current list goings on.

    Hopefully no one found that post offensive


    Michael Dickey

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