irritable evolution syndrome

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 21:49:27 MDT

  • Next message: Brett Paatsch: "Re: ExtroPolitics List Suggestion"

    Just out of annoyance at the world, I'll throw in this unsolicited comment:

    >If the tape of life on Earth was replayed, humans might not evolve again.

    I believe this bizarre analogy was coined by S. J. Gould. It always enrages
    me (literal-minded human that I am). If the tape were replayed, how could
    it *possibly* show anything except what was already there, except maybe
    grainer? Tapes don't rewrite themselves, not even 1960s' computer tapes.
    The analogy should surely be: `if the evolutionary "program" of life on
    earth were re-run using different starting conditions, or with additional
    factors introduced and other deleted, X might not evolve again.' But I
    suppose most people don't grok `program' even in this simple sense, and
    somehow *do* grasp what's meant, even though the analogy makes no sense at
    all. Weird, the human mind. Why, if the tape were replayed, I bet we'd end
    up with a mind that--

    Damien Broderick

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