Re: Nature via Nurture: What makes you who you are.

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Sat May 31 2003 - 05:52:54 MDT

  • Next message: Alex Ramonsky: "Re: Nature via Nurture: What makes you who you are."

    Damien Broderick wrote:

    >Hang on. Isn't that "memoriz*ing* information switches one's genes on and
    Yes. Gene expression is initiated by CREB (cAMP response element binding
    protein), which is activated by AMPA receptor proteins, that have been
    phosphorylated (had a phosphate group added), by kinases that travelled
    to the cell nucleus, because they were activated by calcium influx at
    NMDA receptors opened by glutamate, because the action potential of
    cells firing removed the magnesium block on them, and the likelihood of
    cells firing was increased in the first place by the reception of
    glutamate at postsynaptic AMPA receptors, because you released glutamate
    from the presynaptic neuron when you encountered the sensory input. It's
    how LTP happens. Remember?

    >Damien Broderick

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