Re: Suns considered harmful (was: Pluto)

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 08:03:03 MDT

  • Next message: Robert J. Bradbury: "Re: Suns considered harmful (was: Pluto)"

    On Mon, 26 May 2003, Wei Dai, commenting on my comments about migrating
    into alternate universes wrote:

    > Aha, I knew it, you're one of those averagists, aren't you? (See recent
    > thread on "superrationality" if you don't get the reference.)

    Wei, I haven't been following the SR thread, but may take a look given
    your comments.

    > Once you construct a new universe and copy yourself into it, why would you
    > then delete the original in the old universe?

    I wasn't thinking in terms of "copying" but in terms of "migrating".
    Why would one want to remain in an old klunky sup-optimal universe
    if one could live in a better optimized universe? I can't imagine
    a reason for leaving behind a copy of myself in this universe if
    I can create one where the speed of light is 10E9 or 10E12 km/sec
    and migrate to it.

    Now of course I'd bring along many of my ExI friends with the
    possible exception of Eliezer since in *my* "ideal" universe
    there is no SysOp overlord running around managing things.
    I suspect there may be some personal preference issues
    involved in universe architectures and what one defines
    as "optimal".


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