Re: Foresight Recon?

From: spike66 (
Date: Thu May 15 2003 - 18:54:57 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "RE: Right and left liberal and conservative"

    Anders Sandberg wrote:
    > On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 10:10:53PM -0700, spike66 wrote:
    >>What if one injects a sedative into one
    >>carotid artery, and one hemisphere of ones brain
    >>is asleep, and one had half an erotic dream, what
    >>would happen?
    > I think I have a partial answer to that. The supraspinal
    > erectile control system
    > ( is on the highest
    > levels controlled by lateralised structures like the amygdala.
    > But the medial preoptic area and even more the periaqeductal
    > grey matter are medial...

    I was actually hoping for a simple answer, such as:
    one testacle would fire while the other would sleep
    thru his opportunity.


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