Re: Eating glycotoxins

From: Brian Atkins (
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 11:59:19 MDT

  • Next message: Charles Hixson: "Re: "Hysteria, Thy Name is SARS""

    gts wrote:
    > Brian Atkins wrote:
    >>How much Metformin do you take daily, and are you getting it through
    >>your health insurance or via other sources?
    > I have a huge supply of 800 mg tabs. I've forgotten where I obtained it. I
    > did not however obtain it through health insurance (I probably couldn't do
    > so even I tried as I am not diabetic). Metformin is however very cheap, as
    > medicines go. I split the tabs in half and take 1 or 2 half-tabs daily with
    > meals, depending on how glycemic my meals happen to be. I've tried taking
    > metformin in the absence of meals but in my case doing so tends to send my
    > blood sugar too low. Claims to the contrary (that metformin cannot cause
    > hypoglycemia) should be considered suspect, imo.

    So do you regularly check A1C and other things in your blood? Any
    positive effects? What about keeping an eye on liver function? Necessary
    for healthy individuals?

    >>To be clear, the news re: Metformin is that it is a very good CR
    >>mimic... not an AGE blocker.
    > Okay thanks. I have tried to find research to support this claim but
    > couldn't. Have you seen any? A couple of weeks ago I looked at the site of
    > the organization funded by LEF that makes the claim, but couldn't find
    > anything to substantiate it.

    I think they may have released some results last year at a conference,
    but generally no, they haven't yet released the complete data yet. There
    is a chart in the latest LEF mag that shows Metformin as producing an
    almost 100% match in gene response as compared to CR when studied using
    gene chips. Plus of course the mice studies conducted by others that
    showed 20%+ life extension.

    Brian Atkins
    Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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