Re: GM Foods Safe Enuf

From: Greg Jordan (
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 08:56:10 MDT

  • Next message: John K Clark: "Re: Paper>YOUR NUKES WILL BE DESTROYED!"

    On Mon, 12 May 2003, Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

    > they eliminated all pesticide use and cured cancer. "Organic" isn't
    > about health, it's about the politics of fear and envy. It's about
    > people who think big business and high technology are inherently
    > evil in their own right, no matter how they are applied and how many
    > lives they save and enrich.

    Or it could be about just what it says it is about, health. Sometimes
    addled by New Age thinking, but just as often exercising the caution about
    technologies that companies interested only in the "bottom line" aren't
    going to concern themselves with. That is, when you think about it, a
    market effect. Industries that won't police themselves get policed by
    their customers, in the form of boycotts and alternatives and

    > But ultimately the market
    > will give people what they really want

    There goes that deification of the "free" market again...


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