Re: [IRAQ] RE: Name Calling vs. Ad Hominem

From: spike66 (
Date: Thu May 08 2003 - 23:24:52 MDT

  • Next message: Wei Dai: "Re: a market approach to terrorism"

    Amara Graps wrote:
    > Damien Sullivan:
    >> Without much loss of life, but that didn't surprise --

    > It depends on how you define 'much'. One precious life lost
    > is still too much in my view.
    > (~2500 Iraqi civilians died)

    The Iraqis claimed 5000 children were dying each month
    as a result of the UN sanctions. Since the war took
    three weeks, that would be about 3400 children, presumably
    civilians, so the civilian death rate went down during the
    war? This in spite of the Iraqi government using GPS jammers
    (which would cause GPS guided weapons to go off course)
    while parking weapons in residential areas.

    Now the US is urging the end of the sanctions, with
    Russia, Germany and France in opposition. Shall we
    conclude that 5000 per month still perish while we
    bring the "allies" into concurrence?


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