Re: Experiences with Atkins diet

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Thu May 01 2003 - 10:24:24 MDT

  • Next message: Keith Elis: "RE: Apergers and Genius"

    > > Yes, that's exactly what Eli is saying you mean, and is the
    > > classic logic error. [Explanation removed]
    > ...
    > Eliezer doesn't read my messages carefully, else he would have known
    > all along that I do not reject improvements on the paleodiet...

    Absolute hogwash. It's very clear to me that he reads and
    understands the issue completely, and that when he corrects
    your mistaken arguments, you are misinterpreting that as his
    misunderstanding rather than yours. It's also interesting to
    me that you chose to elide my explanation of your error in
    this reply--it very clearly states what we're trying to say--
    and we are /not/ by any stretch of the English language saying
    that you reject improvements on the paleo diet, and your
    claim that we are saying that is more hogwash. W're just
    pointing out to you that some of your arguments for it are
    incorrect, and you refuse to acknowledge that simple fact.

    > My advocacy of natural paleolithic diets should not be
    > construed to mean that I am advocating a Luddite point of
    > view, or that I am anti-science. All arguments along such
    > lines are BS.

    Neither Eli nor I have made such arguments--nor would we,
    because we actually care that our arguments are valid.
    Hal only said that he got that impression, but that's not
    an argument, just a personal opinion.

    I do not take issue with even fanatical support of a point
    of view--I clearly do that myself (but mostly with ethical
    issues). But if you continue to support the point of view
    with weak arguments, and refuse to strengthen them when the
    weaknesses are pointed out to you, you will continue to lose
    credibility in the eyes of those who care about rational
    debate (which, admittedly, may be a minority).

    Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
    "All inventions or works of authorship original to me, herein and past,
    are placed irrevocably in the public domain, and may be used or modified
    for any purpose, without permission, attribution, or notification."--LDC

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