RE: Arab World Stunned by Baghdad's Fall

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sun Apr 13 2003 - 10:17:04 MDT

  • Next message: Harvey Newstrom: "RE: [War and politics] Re: Arab World Stunned by Baghdad's Fall"

    Samantha Atkins wrote,
    > Mike,
    > When will you learn that I stopped considering your opinion
    > worth taking into account long ago? No such barrels or weapons
    > grade plutonium were reported in anything I saw. I suspect if
    > something like this was found it would be front page news. If
    > you think they were found then give us the urls to see them
    > oruselves. Otherwise take it elsewhere.

    Actually, there were a lot of these report on CNN and elsewhere. The only
    problem is that the follow-up tests always showed that they were not
    chemical weapons or plutonium. People who believe there are weapons of mass
    destruction tend to remember all these findings. People who don't believe
    there are weapons of mass destruction tend to remember all the negative
    tests. In the end, both sides remember clearly reports that supported their
    side. Either way, it is too early to tell, and preliminary tests aren't
    accurate anyway. The real answer will come weeks or months down the road.
    We either will find a smoking gun, or there will be no smoking gun.

    (Or as usual in these conspiracy theories, we will have missiles that go
    slightly over their range allowance, or precursor chemicals that might be
    used to make something else, or witnesses that think they saw something
    which is long gone, etc.... And everybody will think the evidence supports
    their side.)

    Harvey Newstrom, CISSP, IAM, GSEC

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