RE: [Somewhat IRAQ/POLITICS] Commentary on the life of Michael Kelly

From: matus (
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 10:14:40 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Daniel Crocker: "Re: Help with a Minimum Wage Model"

    > matus wrote:
    > >>Not like they've vastly different from us in that respect.
    > >>People are dying
    > >>in North Korea, and we do close to nothing.
    > >
    > >
    > > Besides billions in aide, I guess thats close to nothing. In
    > any case, the
    > > US tried to do something about 1 murderous dictator and was
    > criticized by
    > > the appeasing liberal world for doing something about said
    > government which
    > > it could be argued posed a credible threat to US civilians.
    > I will challenge that it could be so argued as many very much
    > wanted to credibly argue such and not one of them succeeded to
    > date.

    I challenge your challenge! Well the arguments as to why Iraq was
    considered a threat to the American people have been repeated many times on
    this list, I dont feel the need to do it again. The fact that you do not
    agree with the arguments doesnt change the fact that many were made. In any
    case, would you agree that the arguments made for a threat posed to the
    American people by Iraq were more compelling (or, from your perspective,
    less non-compelling) than arguments made for a theat to American people by
    North Korea? It doesnt seem North Korea wants anything more than to
    continue to enslave and starve its population and take over South Korea.

    Michael Dickey

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