Re: [Iraq] More enthusiasm than news in Fox's coverage of war

From: Sean Kenny (
Date: Sat Mar 29 2003 - 12:01:45 MST

  • Next message: gts: "RE: Spreading better memes (Re: Can Extropianism and Islam coexist?)"

    On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 14:22, John K Clark wrote:
    > "gts" <>
    > >It's highly sensationalized news reporting. Kinda' exciting, I
    > >would agree, but hardly unbiased!
    > Fox makes it quite clear that they hope the American side wins, but at least
    > they put all their cards on the table. Would you rather have a network that
    > pretended to be neutral but really was not; would you rather have a network
    > that suffered from moral imbecility to such a degree that it really did see
    > a moral equivalence between the American and Iraqi side?

    Yes, Fox want the US to win at the behest of their masters voice, heard
    worldwide, but if we want to talk about moral equilavency lets look at
    what he has to say about the war


    Most revealing of all was Murdoch's reference to the rationale for going
    to war, blatantly using the o-word. Politicians in the United States and
    Britain have strenuously denied the significance of oil, but Murdoch
    wasn't so reticent. He believes that deposing the Iraqi leader would
    lead to cheaper oil. "The greatest thing to come out of this for the
    world economy...would be $20 a barrel for oil. That's bigger than any
    tax cut in any country."

    He went even further down this road in an interview the week before with
    America's Fortune magazine by forecasting a postwar economic boom. "Once
    it [Iraq] is behind us, the whole world will benefit from cheaper oil
    which will be a bigger stimulus than anything else."


    exactly how many human lives is this worth to him?

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