Re: [POLITICS/IRAQ] Thank God for the death of the UN ( JC )

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 14:23:42 MST

  • Next message: Charles Hixson: "Re: (WAR/IRAQ) Emotional Reactions"

    John K Clark wrote:

    >...East Timor, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Angola and
    >more; the UN and International Suggestions did absolutely nothing to stop
    >any of them. Many are found of saying might doesn't make right but they
    >forget the UN doesn't make right either.
    You've sure got that right!

    > ...; I want policemen armed with guns. I have even less
    >confidence that it will protect me from Osama Bin laden or Saddam Hussein
    >because in certain circles their reputation would improve not decline by
    >killing a person like me.
    But do remember that the policeman's first loyalty is to the
    organization that pays his salary. And that's probably not you.

    >Those who value strength, courage, honesty and peace are wonderful people
    >but they are not the ones I worry about, they are not the people who want to
    >kill me.
    > John K Clark
    Thus the problem. There is a tremendous assymetry between destruction
    and construction. It's so much easier to destroy. Centralizers always
    say that we should put our trust in a central authority, but the central
    authority always betrays those who trust it. Unless they have the power
    to stop, or at least punish, the betrayal. This is one reason why it is
    so apalling that the mass media are owned by such a small number of
    corporations. (If you control the information sufficiently, people
    won't realize that they have been betrayed.) I don't find it clear
    what can be done in the present circumstances to move in the direction
    of true libertarianism (as opposed to Libertarianism). The movement
    appears to be in the opposite direction. And not slowly.

    -- Charles Hixson
    Gnu software that is free,
    The best is yet to be.

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