Re: French Product List

Date: Fri Mar 21 2003 - 08:51:02 MST

  • Next message: Greg Jordan: "RE: It takes a classroom to raise a village?"

    From: "Alex Future Bokov" <>
    X-Mailer: YaBB

    [quote from: Daniel on 2003-03-20 at 19:29:59]
    Don't forget US Savings Bonds owned by the French. Shouldn't we thus
    boycott the US Federal government? Who's with me on this?

    I'm with you, Dan old chap! I'll boycott those bastards anyday.

    After my fellowship expires and I'm done with my PhD at this state-funded
    university and have 100% private sector funding for my research. Damn
    statists! Grrrrrr.

    Seriously, if Mike has no problems with political pressure groups he disagrees
    with boycotting stuff, it's perfectly self-consistant for him to forward this
    list and urge this boycott. I won't be joining as I don't believe either
    France or the USA actually exist except as collective delusions (albeit
    remarkably well-funded delusions).

    This message was posted by Alex Future Bokov to the Extropians 2003 board on ExI BBS.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Fri Mar 21 2003 - 09:00:38 MST