Vitamins & Alzheimers

Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 10:41:37 MST

  • Next message: Amara Graps: "timeless scenes"

    One for you pro-longevity fans

    <<Researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center's Memory Disorders
    Program have published the encouraging results of a preliminary study and are
    leading a 40 center therapeutic trial to see whether three common vitamins --
    folic acid, B12 and B6 -- can slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

    In a pilot study, published in the March /April issue of the American Journal
    of Geriatric Psychiatry the Georgetown researchers--led by Paul S. Aisen,
    M.D., professor of neurology, and principal investigator of the ongoing
    multi-center trial--found that high dose vitamins reduce levels of the amino
    acid homocysteine in individuals with Alzheimer's disease. Previous studies
    have linked homocysteine to Alzheimer's disease. Investigators at Columbia
    University, University of Texas, Southwestern and University of California,
    Davis also participated in the pilot study.

    "Individuals with Alzheimer's disease have higher levels of homocysteine than
    people of similar age who do not have the disease," said Dr. Aisen. "In our
    vitamin pilot study we have demonstrated that we are able to reduce levels of
    homocysteine using a vitamin regimen that is both safe and inexpensive. Now
    we are conducting a therapeutic trial to determine whether use of the
    vitamins folic acid, B12 and B6 to lower homocysteine level has a favorable
    impact on the course of the disease." >>


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