RE: Join the not-knowers, was RE: Giant anti-war demonstration in Melbourne (IRAQ)

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Wed Mar 05 2003 - 01:06:30 MST

  • Next message: Reason: "RE: Wanted: translatable article on cryonics and/or immortality"

    Brett writes

    > Would you not see the Bush administration's decision to
    > go to war without a Security Council resolution and
    > against resolution 1441... as against a trend to World
    > Government?

    Yes, if it comes to that, then yes, the U.S./U.K. decision
    to go it alone (i.e. with 19 or more other nations!) does
    diminish the role of the U.N. But it's not to imagined that
    national sovereignty is to be in any way abandoned in the
    foreseeable future. No way. Hence it's irrelevant for
    "World Government", a rather loony and hopeless idea, (unless
    we are attacked by Vogons or something).

    > Seems to me to be a very substantial poke in the eye for
    > international law, may even set it back 50 plus years.

    Would you consider the decision of the Clinton Administration
    to go to war against Serbia without even CONSULTING the U.N.
    or Russia to be a poke in the eye for international law?
    Do you suppose that this did put international law back 50 years?

    > Personally I find it difficult to forget that it is the same Presidential
    > administration that seems to be countenancing stepping away from the
    > UN that is also trying so hard to ban embryonic stem cell research
    > wherever it can. Maybe the coupling is irrelevant and coincidental.

    Yeah, I don't really see the connection. A Clinton or Gore administration
    might very well have done the same thing, but would have got a lot less
    heat since Clinton was no "cowboy", and he was from the liberal part of
    the American political spectrum---yet a Clinton or Gore administration
    might very well have endorsed embryonic stem cell research.

    The only consistency that you can expect from people is ideological
    consistency. But there is only a mild correlation between religiously
    motivated Luddism and a sterner attitude towards threats to one's


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