Re: How's it all playing in France itself?

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Wed Feb 26 2003 - 00:51:13 MST

  • Next message: Brett Paatsch: "Re: IRAQ: Why a new Resolution is NEEDED."

    >Most likely joining will mean some transfer of power from the
    >national state, that should be approved according to their individual
    >constituions, via a national vote. (cannot remember the english term.)


    The treaty has to be ratified by parliaments in all 15 EU countries
    and then voted on in the public in national referendums.

    For example, Latvia's referendum: September 20, 2003

    [I'm looking forward to this one, since I have Latvian citizenship,
    and I will be able to end my present extracommunitari status.]

    More information on the processes for the EU candidate countries, here:

    Hurdles on the Road to EU Expansion


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