Re: CLIP (was: Tim May calls for nuking of D.C.

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Feb 22 2003 - 15:25:08 MST

  • Next message: Andrew Clough: "Re: IRAQ sort of: Re: Tim May calls for nuking of D.C."

    Lee Corbin wrote:
    > Hubert writes

    >>And Samantha invited me to her cuckoo-nest cell:
    >>>If the world survives you can come visit me in the next room any
    >>>time you like. We can compare delusions of hope, peace and
    >>>global prosperity and well-being. We can get really
    >>>out-of-our-minds crazy and talk about a glorious future where
    >>>humans transcended their slightly evolved monkey state and
    >>>prospered beyond any decent person's dreams.
    > Everyone one on the *Extropians* list, for God's sake,
    > agrees with these eventual goals. No one is questioning
    > that. They simply contend that it won't be today or
    > even next week. At best, this won't happen for decades,
    > and again, you know this.

    I attempted to point out, with humor and seriousness at once,
    that if we do not grow up really quickly and put away some of
    our nearly automatic hostility that the technological means of
    realizing our dreams will simply used for destruction and loss
    of freedom. Then our dreams will be nothing but fantasies.

    - samantha

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