Re: Tim May calls for nuking of D.C.

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Feb 20 2003 - 01:48:18 MST

  • Next message: Samantha Atkins: "Meta: A new proposal Re: META: Banning Iraq discussion"

    John K Clark wrote:
    > As I said before I don't know if the coming war is a good idea or not but I
    > have made 3 conclusions:
    > 1) It will be very difficult to take anything Tim May says seriously in the
    > future, and that makes me a little sad because at one time he had some
    > pretty good ideas. The man has gone nuts.
    > 2) The lunatic fringe of the anti war movement is far crazier than the
    > lunatic fringe of the pro war movement.
    > 3) It's counterintuitive but for some strange reason the war supporters seem
    > like nicer people that the anti war crowd; that doesn't mean they're right
    > of course.

    I don't have these conclusions. I think he does not in any way
    want to see a nuke exploded in any US city. It looks to me like
    he said what he did out of sheer frustration that this war will
    go steaming on probably no matter what. It is gallows humor
    (well, darker than that) of maybe we will learn something. But
    the whole tone is that he doubts that. I think that drawing too
    much out of that last paragraph is a bit strained. It is
    certainly not justified to assume he has gone nuts or is in any
    "lunatic fringe".

    Some of the pro-war stuff about making Iraq a glass ashtray and
    stuff was illegally horrific. Or are we only horrified and lose
    any sense of perspective if we are talking about American lives?

    The war supporters are certainly NOT "nicer people".

    - samantha

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