Re: asks you to vote for most dangerous country

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Tue Feb 04 2003 - 06:47:19 MST

  • Next message: "Re: [Fwd: NYT: Nanotech Sidelines---warning]"

    On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 10:41:55AM +0200, Amara Graps wrote:
    > I don't bother discussing at any depth my political philosophy or my
    > criticism of the U.S. government here any more, even though I agree
    > with most of Hubert's and Kai's and Dan's and Anders' and Damien's
    > (etc.) words, because I attracted a cluster of aggressive posters who
    > stereotyped and misinterpretted what I wrote, and it was tiring and
    > unpleasant to have to defend even the smallest and simplest of
    > statements. I know of many others here in the last 1-2 years who have
    > left the political discussions for the same or similar reasons. I'm
    > very sorry Eugene unsubbed (I'm not a member here either, but look at
    > the Javien forum selectively), but I think I understand why he left.

    Me too. My participation here has been particularly spotty
    recently due to the demand of writing a dissertation and working
    for a think tank, but even without these time constraints I would
    seriously have considered dropping the list.

    What irritates me the most is not the cluster of aggressive
    posters - they can be ignored. What really bothers me is the
    spread of an attitude. It is an attitude of "hobby
    transhumanism", where transhumanism is seen as something cool to
    play around with but without real effect on how one lives one's
    life. Where is the self-improvement? The most important part
    isn't about what supplements to take or how to work out, but how
    to extend one's thinking, knowledge and understanding in an
    extropic way. I see far too many closed minds, trapped in
    conformist politics or standardized worldviews that are not
    attempting to grow. I would like to see a list where everyone is
    doing their outmost to become more, to come up with *better*
    solutions rather than just quoting the solutions others have
    talked about forever, and to demonstrate their utility by
    reasoned arguments that fitted speaking with a transhuman rather
    than a child.

    OK, this may be a bit unlikely to just happen. But we can each
    hold it as an ideal to strive to wards and make parts of it true.

    BTW, Amara, beautiful visualisation of the dust streams!

    Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
    GCS/M/S/O d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y

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