Re: asks you to vote for most dangerous country

From: Max M (
Date: Tue Feb 04 2003 - 00:52:49 MST

  • Next message: Amara Graps: "Re: tesseract wireframe" wrote:

    > Thank you, Emlyn, for illustrating precisely what I mean. I put forth an
    > argument defining my position, and am met with an insult. I meant no malice
    > toward Mr. Leitl personally, I am merely pointing out that it isn't worth
    > leaving over a position you aren't willing to defend.

    Why on earth should yo spend your time defending your position on
    something that you don't mean should be discussed at all on this list?

    The most extropic thing to do, when messages are off-topic, is to just
    shut up. Eugene has done that.

    But when it get's too much, he chooses to leave the list. Wich is sad.

    And so all the political ramblers win, but the extropy list looses.

    I must say that I cannot really see much point of being on the list
    anymore either. It has allways had political undertones, but now it's so
    bad that it ought to be renamed to

    hilsen/regards Max M Rasmussen, Denmark
    Fremtiden, videnskab, skeptiscisme og transhumanisme

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Tue Feb 04 2003 - 00:53:16 MST