Re:Behind the placards

Date: Sun Feb 02 2003 - 21:57:44 MST

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    From: "Alex Future Bokov" <>
    X-Mailer: YaBB

    Perhaps this opposition to protests is one of the following (since we've
    eliminated aesthetics)...

    1) In 21st century USA and Europe most protests are organized to benefit
    causes that most individuals associate with the "left wing" (unfortunately so,
    because this is exactly the sort of dualistic thinking that allows statists to
    stay in power). Left-wingers protest more often than right wingers therefore
    protest marches are somehow tainted by leftism. Faulty logic, but it might be
    compelling logic to those who think this way.

    2) Sour grapes. A protest is a powerful symbol that you're not the only one
    who feels strongly about your cause. If your cause happens to be one that
    can't muster enough supporters to make a decent march, or if your group
    doesn't have the organizational ability to coordinate a march, it's only
    natural to be a little jealous. It's natural, but one best serves one's
    interest by admitting it, then figuring out how to get better organized and/or
    how to better engage the public in one's cause.

    This message was posted by Alex Future Bokov to the Extropians 2003 board on ExI BBS.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Sun Feb 02 2003 - 22:00:45 MST