Re: War arguments

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 12:15:30 MST

> (Samantha Atkins <>):
> >So I will not brook any argument against war that begins with
> >respect for Iraqi sovereignty. Arguments that such a war will
> >not serve the interests of American or Iraqi people, however,
> >are welcome.
> >
> Too bad. Some nations don't like the way various other nations
> operate vis a vis their own people. But that does not by itself
> justify acts of aggression today. Are you saying we have some
> universal standards that allows any nations that want to at any
> time to attack any other to purportedly uphold said standards?
> If so, what are these standards and what if any rules govern
> such actions?
> - samantha

What I am saying is plain English--the very concept of "country"
is an outdated an irrelevant one, and if you continue to think in
those terms I remain unmoved. My standards, as I've said time
and again quite clearly to everyone capable of listening, are
simply that /people/ have the right to defend themselves or
others against other people who would harm them or take their
freedom. Any argument for going to war must be framed in that
context for me to take it seriously. "Should the USA attack
Iraq" is not even a legitimate question to me: the question is
"Will it serve the American and/or Iraqi people for their present
government to send troops to attack the Iraqi army and/or remove
Saddam Hussein from power? I don't know--I suspect it's too
soon for that. But I am totally unconcerned with the idea that
I should "respect" the sovereignty or government of Iraq, or
indeed of any country on Earth, including my own. I don't give
a damn about countries, I care about people.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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