Re: Perhaps this is memetic opportunity.

Date: Tue Jan 21 2003 - 14:22:17 MST

       Let me give you a different analysis on how events will play out.
       -we go through a slight rough patch with the war.
             -there are risks in the war. The war is only justified by the
risk of the war being less than the risk of not having the war.
       -the leftists will act out and be a pain in the backside but in the
end will do no more than identify themselves. This will be handy, not for
retaliation but for identification the next time they try their old label
switcheroo to make a comeback.
       -Mr. Bush will pass most of his economic plan which is basically a
libertarian plan and it will set up a long term growth trend.
       -The Supremes will rightfully knock down most of the laws over which
we have civil liberties concerns.
       -Mr. Bush hopefully will be able to bring more jobs back into the
country and reverse the plan of turning us into a service economy. Here, I
am not concerned with his ability to do so but rather whether or not he is on
top of the situation.
       -The right wing will find its most serious competition politically at
the elections from the libertarian side. I am speaking of ideas not the
Libertarian Party.
       -The betting money would have to support the notion that we go through
some kind of a singularity. In any case we will find that we are into a new
       -Germany, Australia, etal will continue to criticize us for not acting
in their best interests instead of our own. <G> Sorry the devil made me add
Ron h.

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