Re: rooting for the Americans

Date: Sat Jan 18 2003 - 20:14:08 MST

D. Broderrick noted:
<<Well, to return this to the original context of America unilaterally
invading Iraq because *Al-Qaida* committed a terrible crime against
Americans and others in their vicinity: What I'd *hope*  is that we don't
immediately set out to invade Zimbabwe on the grounds that awful people run
the place, and we really hate awful people because some awful people that we
can't find did an awful thing to us.
Damien Broderick>>

My understanding is that the hijackers practiced their craft in Iraq at the
behest of the Iraqi government, as nothing goes on there, withou the Master's
or Uday's knowledge.
The hijackers supposedly practiced on mock (aircraft interiors) in Iraq until
they were comfortable with the practice. My point is; why bleed for the
injustice of the invasions, if it accomplishes:
A better government in Iraq (less murder and torture)
Better distribution of oil wealth to the various people that comprise Iraq
A cut to the Wahabbis who fund Jihadi Terrorism worldwide-less $ for oil
A shockwave through the uma (islamic world community) that the West is
A chance for some Muslims to re-invent themselves as moderates-good choice
Less money for global terror (see above)
Removing a paying client of North Korea's Kim Jung IL

The downside is the cost in human life, but that is true in any abrupt,
untimely death.
The possibility to make a slightly safer world. Perhaps this win might give
energy to a truce and settlement of Israel and Arab issues too. Not with the
current regime on the PLO side though. It seems that decapitating Iraq has
more benefits then problems, even long-term.


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