> This is the one idea with real content in Kieth's post. But it needs
> to be fleshed out a lot more. If focused attention makes us go gaga
> so, it is a puzzle why more other social institutions don't find some
> way to trip this detector more. Why don't we see more analogues to
> "love bombing" without all the other destructive behavior?
Hmm, I think this is a very common technique. Many religious groups (even
fairly benign) use it, it exists in introductory courses (my psychology
professor used it to get us very motivated and social; it was almost
chilling how well it worked), some people get addicted to attention
(especially if they have a weak self-image), just look at many parties.
Once you look for it, it is everywhere.
Anders Sandberg Towards Ascension!
nv91-asa@nada.kth.se http://www.nada.kth.se/~nv91-asa/main.html
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