The Adventures of a Finite Entity at the Omega Point

Bryan Moss (
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 20:00:10 +0100

Welcome to the Omega Point

> who am i

That question has no meaning is this realm.

> score


> inventory

You are carrying:

an nth dimensional container
a autographed photo of Frank J. Tipler

> examine nth dimensional container

The container has an infinite supply of n-1 dimensional objects.

> examine n-1 dimensional objects

The n-1 dimensional objects are ineffable.

> score


> examine autographed photo of Frank J. Tipler

A man of vast intellect and dashing good looks...

> examine location

A space of infinite dimensions stretches out before you.

> go left

That direction has no meaning in this realm, please state a specific dimension (between 1 and infinity) and a velocity.

> dimension 1 velocity 1

A space of infinite dimensions stretches out before you.

> quit

Immortality is the goal of all rational beings, this is not a rational option.


    Task                Status

    Explorer            Running
    Omega Point         Running

> End Task Omega Point