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Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 16:05:14 -0400
To: thinkmars@mit.edu
From: Think Mars <thinkmars@mit.edu>
Subject: Think Mars E-Zine, October 1999
T h i n k M a r s E - Z i n e ----------------------------------------- October 1999 http://thinkmars.net/ Reproduce or pass on as desired
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In This E - Zine:
WEB SITE MOVED TO THINKMARS.NET ------ http://thinkmars.net/
Think Mars has moved to a new, permanent home - thinkmars.net. Many new features have been added (detailed below) and some upgraded. All submission processes have been automated to speed response time to your questions. Please visit and let us know what you think.
MARS WEEK @ MIT - WRAP-UP ----- http://thinkmars.net/marsweek2.html
What an event! Over 200 students and professionals attended the conference at MIT October 1-3. A pdf version of the program is available on the Web site, and photos and speech transcripts will follow shortly. Press on the event included:
THINK MARS BUSINESS CONCEPT ----- http://thinkmars.net/plan.html
The Think Mars Business Concept was presented at Mars Week. The latest version of the presentation is available on the Web site. Much of the work and research of the past year will be posted soon for you to read and comment on. A text version of the business concept will also be posted (so you don't have to download all the images!)
AD ASTRA ARTICLE ----- http://thinkmars.net/press/adastra1.html
An extensive article about Think Mars, written by Editorial Lead Vanessa Thomas, appeared in the latest issue of NSS' Ad Astra. A copy of the article is available on the Web site.
DISCUSSION BOARD ----- http://thinkmars.net/wwwboard/wwwboard.html
With our new location, we can host discussion boards. Got thoughts on Mars commercialization, or space commercialization in general? Post them to the discussion board for all to read.
JOIN THINK MARS ----- http://thinkmars.net/join.html
We're gearing up for another round of research into the "business of Mars and space." Join the team now to work on issues like:
Even if you're not located in Boston, you can participate virtually through the Internet. And perhaps a team of business school students and engineers at your university/company can do a whole topic!
MEMBERSHIP ----- http://thinkmars.net/membership.html
Want to be a part of Think Mars, but don't have the time to contribute regularly? Just want to hear the latest news, and be excited by developments in the world of Mars exploration?
Become a "Think Mars Member".
DONATIONS ----- http://thinkmars.net/donate.html
Become a financial member of Think Mars and support the team. Donations are tax deductible. Your contributions go a long way in supporting the Think Mars team, which is comprised of university students across the United States, and around the world. Proceeds are used for business development activities and publicity tours to inform the public, government and industry about the value of human Mars exploration and the Think Mars business concept.
AFFILIATE WEB SITES ----- http://thinkmars.net/affiliates.html
Provide a link from your site to the Think Mars site using one of our logos. While we can't pay you for the traffic from your site, we'll display your logo with a link on our site. Spread the word about Mars and Space. Sign up today.
Think Mars needs another webmaster. If you are interested in helping post content and maintain a 15,000 hits/month site email webmaster@thinkmars.net
Think Mars: The Business of Mars
http://thinkmars.net/ thinkmars@mit.edu =====================================